麻風 mafu
Dip the Flag.
Starts dancing in a Yosakoi-Soran dance team at the age of 10.
At 14, becomes enthralled by the dynamic vigor of the flag-wavers, and switches from dancer to flag-waver. Utilizing his gifted physical abilities, he became a coach to the flag-wavers of other teams during high school.
During the 6 years of junior high and high school when he was focusing his efforts as a Yosakoi flag-waver, there was a beautiful river next to the road commuting to school.
The willow trees by the river bank sways in the wind. The snowy heron lands and flies away: the surface of the river, the lines of the wings. The carps that swim in the river and its physical lines.
How can I express the beauty of nature I behold every day with the flag?
The mind starts to ponder and change.
From the powerful, masculine flag-waving, to the expression of tempo in synchrony with the music and the dancers. Gradually transitioning into his art form of flag manipulation.
Hence, a conflict emerged. As much as he wanted to express a living fabric through his performance, he was waving a flag with a team design. No matter how much one crafts his art, it couldn’t be understood. His new way of expression received criticism; such as that the design on the flag can’t be clearly seen. It was a point he realized that a “designed flag” is also a “signboard”.
From a “designed flag” to a “blank flag”.
With that realization, he leaves the team at the age of 18 and moves to Chiba prefecture.
In order to express the sheer movements of fabric, he creates a large, self-made plain, white flag, and begins his solo artistic activities; collaborating with storytellers, singers, various kinds of dancers, calligraphers, etc.
Through the experience of collaborating with various genres, the spirit of “Leveraging others and leveraging oneself” wells up inside of him. The desire to incarnate the imagination of others though his flag. This did not stop within the range of engagement with other artists, but transcended to his engagement with nature and its incarnation through his art.
“Engaging with the universe and all of its natural phenomena”.
Going into the mountains, finding a stream, verifying the wind there with the whole body. Learning to capture the flow; from the carps that swims against the river flow at the same speed.
Light, shadow, wind, contour, time and space.
Starts to understand that the blank flag can project light and shadow, show the shape of wind and potray the universe and nature around it.
“Towards the meaning of raising a flag”.
As he scrutinizes and refines his style of expression, he begins to reaffirm the significance of a (blank) flag. White is a symbol of surrender. Avoiding unnecessary conflict. Loosing is also protecting; the honor within white. Encompassing political meanings as well. Then what of the other colors? “Hata-a-ghe (raising the flag)”. An auspicious word in Japanese that means the beginning. Symbolic meanings for raising a (blank) flag was there.
Dip the Flag.
What the flag encompasses, what and why I am expressing through it; day by day, I continue this quest.